Aspen vs. Showy

Erigeron speciosus,, June 18, 2020

Erigeron speciosus,, June 18, 2020

Common & scientific name
Aspen fleabane/Showy fleabane , Erigeron speciosus

Sunflower, Asteraceae

Weller Curve, 9,500

Fun, weird, helpful, or little known fact
This red-stemmed, light lavender-to-purple daisy appears in large numbers throughout our area, usually in July but this year in June owing to the early snowmelt and warm June temps. It can be found in montane meadows, roadsides, and to a lesser extent aspen groves—despite its name.  According to a 1962 study at RMBL, Aspen fleabane was much more common (100% constancy and 5% average cover) in younger aspen woodlands with a Thurber’s fescue (grass) understory than in mature woodlands with a forb (wildflower)-dominated understory. In other words, it’s not the king of mature aspen groves. Maybe Showy fleabane’s a better fit!