The asters are out!

Symphyotrichum foliaceum, July 30, 2023

August 1, 2023

Common & scientific name

Leafy aster, Symphyotrichum foliaceum (Aster foliaceus)


Sunflower, Asteraceae


North Fork Lost Creek trail, 11,000’

Fun, weird, helpful, or little known fact

What an incredibly variable plant this late-summer aster is! Its wider “petals” (ray florets) and broader, layered, leaf-like phyllaries distinguish it from the earlier-blooming Erigerons. In subalpine and alpine meadows, it commonly grows just 6” high, with few flower heads, and is often a deep purple/lavender. Roadside it grows up to 3’ high with many (lighter-colored) flowered heads and noticeably red stems (photo to come).

I just wish they had come up with a more memorable, or pronounceable, or spell-able, name to replace “Aster” with . . . .