Aspen vs. Showy

Erigeron speiosus, July 6, 2023

Common & scientific name

Aspen fleabane/Showy fleabane , Erigeron speciosus


Sunflower, Asteraceae


Roadside, 8,350

Fun, weird, helpful, or little known fact

This red-stemmed, light lavender-to-purple daisy appears in large numbers throughout our area, usually in July. It can be found in montane meadows, roadsides, and to a lesser extent aspen groves—despite its name. According to a 1962 study at RMBL, Aspen fleabane was much more common (100% constancy and 5% average cover) in younger aspen woodlands with a Thurber’s fescue (grass) understory than in mature woodlands with a forb (wildflower)-dominated understory. In other words, it’s not the king of mature aspen groves. Maybe Showy fleabane’s a better fit!