Pearly vs. Pussy

Anaphalis margaritaceae 6.23.20.jpg

Anaphalis margaritacea, June 23, 2020

Common & scientific name
Pearly everlasting, Anaphalis margaritacea

Sunflower, Asteraceae

Roadside between Lincoln & Lost Man, 10,000

Fun, weird, helpful, or little known fact

Pearly everlasting, seen roadside and in meadows throughout our valley, grows in profusion via underground stems (“rhizomes”).  It has no ray flowers, just small yellow disk flowers that early in bloom are completely enclosed within papery white bracts, making them appear pearl-like (as in this photo).  And while Pearly everlasting looks like a Pussytoe (Antennaria sp.), it is taller and doesn’t have an extensive mat of small leaves at its base.